#farkyaratır We have been working to make a difference with great energy and pride.

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The advantage of the building, which should include an office-store scheme on the north-south axis of Ankara, is that it is surrounded by facades on all four sides. Konya road front is on the east axis and Balgat Çankaya viewpoint is on the west axis, while Konya road and the METU forest leaning on this road have a front facade with a view. While creating the architecture, emphasizing the horizontal movement of the mass lying horizontally, without disturbing the integrity of the vertically climbing mass, the obligatory façade coordination overlooking the landscape gave the most accurate directions in terms of architecture, but the elevation difference that occurred during the settlement of the mass on the topography enabled to increase the settlement in the lower floors on the eastern facade. The façade, where human and vehicle traffic is intense, is located at the upper elevation of the topography, in other words, on the west facade; The wide surface of the façade, which is reduced to the human scale from the entrance facade (in other words, the crown door in ancient times) in order to establish the relationship between the structure and the person during the entrance, adds a decisive air to the direction of arrival and entrance perception with its slope, since it is minimal next to the person.

  • Project Area 10.000
  • Construction Area 49.000
  • STARTING: 2016
  • COMPLETION: 2018
  • Number of Offices 163